little bunny craft activity with Catherine Berger

A new "semester" started in our "Baby Antidote (baby and toddler) group" since yesterday which we were waiting for rather passionately. And our first day was full of emotions and sharings of summer experience, how we spent it and where we were. While kids were busy with toys, their parents were very happy to chat (i really wonder who was waiting for beginning of classes more-)))lol). As for me, I was really really excited abt that!!!

As usual children had play time, snack time and ....STORY TIME!!! it was a very nice story about a rabbit who was running away all the time. Catherine Berger played that little cute and big bunnies brilliantly-))) All enjoyed the story a lot.

After that we did our craft activity as usual and as you guessed it was a little bunny.
I wanted to share it with you, dear friends, as I love all craft things and you must see how easy and fascinating the little bunny turned out to be.

You can do it with your child any time when you want to do sth but don't have idea what and how. Bunnies are very popular characters in all stories, so this craft work is what you need-)))

- toilet paper toll
- a button
- a cotton ball
- marker
- white and pink paper
- glue, schissors.

How to do:
1) ths toilet paper roll you can glue and wrap in white paper that the body of the bunny looked more realistic, in white colour (here the roll was painted, and i think it is a good alternative as well)
2) cut out 2 ears from the white paper, decor it with small pieces of pink colour paper as you can see in the picture
3) glue the button and the cotton ball and stick it to the roll (body of the rabbit)
4) draw eyes, mouth, whiskers

I have noticed that the toilet paper roll is really a good thing-)))reusable and you can do so many things from it-)))

Thank you for attention and hope you enjoyed it. Comment if you like it and you can share your bunny craft work as well-)))

Learning colours+motor skills

Yesterday we continued learning colours with Karolina using mosaic from pegboard set ( i hope it is correct translation of the word, if I am wrong, please correct me-)))Thank you). She used to play with it before, just putting things in the board with holes, developing her motor skills by this. At the beginning it was rather hard for Karolina to take 1 thing in a hand. Later she did it masterfully already. 

In this activtity mosaic helped us not only with mentioned stuff above but to learn colours as well, as before we did a lot of other activties too, but I guess mosaic was more successful (Just imagine how many times I had to reapeat: "this is red" or "this blue", etc, lol)

So, I put all mosaic on the floor and gave her a form for cupcakes which has 12 sections. Repeating the colour of each mosaic we put them in the section with a named colour. Then the task was a little bit changed: to take out a specific colour of mosaic from the mixed stuff, or we compared a colour of mosaic with a colour in the book,where each page is devoted to red, green, yellow etc colour.  We observed what can be green or yellow, we were reading poems about colours and this activity took us quite long=))).

Of course you must be careful to give such kind of materials before 3, but you can substitute it with another alternative, like pompoms for example.

Thank you for reading and see you soon-))) Feel free to tell your opinion about it and you can share your activities for learning the colours with your lovely kid-)))